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Coastal Engineering

Chall.Eng. Corporation have continually demonstrated a high level of proficiency in the field of civil engineering and continues to work tirelessly for their client base throughout the Essex Region.  Early on, Chall.Eng. was involved in modelling shoreline structures to ensure that the design would stand up to the rigours of the coastal environment while at the same time 


ensuring that the proposed structures would not adversley affect environmental features.  Rick Patterson has authorized or been involved in the teams that have completed a significant number of shoreline management plans, and has participated on many site specific coastal and riverine incestigations and studies.  He has also donated his time and professional skills in desigining and certifying such stuctures as the viewing towers at Pietite Cote, Tremblay Beam and Ruscom Shore Conservation Areas. All Chall.Eng. engineers go to great lengths to incorporate environmental mitigation techniques into all their designs.


Our strength lies in coastal/marine engineering and our services include:


  • Shoreline assessments with respect to erosion, flankage, flooding, wave impact, and ice impact.

  • Design of erosion protection systems to provide the ERCA required 100 year erosion protection requirements and provide ERCA required flood and wave protection.

  • Design of, and preparation of drawings for, shoreline protection systems, such as steel shorewall, armour stone revetements, concrete block walls, etc.

  • Flow modelling assessment and reports for large infill products.

  • Design of in-water structures, such as piers, platforms, etc.

  • Design of wave and ice protection systems.

  • Design of repair works and upgrades for existing shoreline structures and systems.



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